EQUITY UNCLE Vol 11, Issue 6 Dear Equity Uncle, The law school has finally decided to catch up to the 21st century and Property Law students can now type their final exams. As a proficient typist and computador, I was tickled pink by the news. My fellow students not so much – there is talk of a harsher bell curve for typists vs handwriters. Why should I suffer because a few people are afraid of the future?
From, Catch me online how bout dat Dear Catch, Equity hears it already – the chitta-tat-tats and the ratta-di-dats, the bappity-whaps and the clappity-slaps, the…. you get the picture. Equity doesn’t care for any ‘keyboard’ other than the one holding the key to the Courts of Chancery. But hey, Equity gets it. People don’t like rigid rules and status quos, and they certainly don’t like harsher bell curves. Flexibility and discretion are very much Equity’s bag. Not to mention Equity itself – Equity really, really delights in Equity. But was Equity the only one who found the ‘SoftTest’ title dubiously ironic? Truly…? Couldn’t this all be an elaborate ploy from Our Great Dane to weed out the tappers from the tap-nots, the pink-tickled from the blinkered sticklers? Be careful the side you choose, it could be a catch, Catch. Little more need be said. Some of us are born equitable, some achieve equity, and some have equity thrust upon them. The Dane is none of these. Yours, Equity Uncle More Equity Uncle:
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October 2022