Volume 10, Issue 9 In academic journals, legal judgments, university lectures and student writing, you will come across all manner of things described as "schizophrenic" - approaches, logic, reasoning, and other judgments. NICK PARRY-JONES
Volume 10, Issue 9 Hey guys, at Corkman Commiserations a friend of mine asked where they can upskill and get into the exciting world that is computer programming. Computers are everywhere and the average person is pretty shitty at using them. I believe, that to survive in the modern world (not to mention the job market) this is a skill people need to have. I'm not adept at the ~*art*~ but there's no excuse for not getting into programming: it's relatively easy, useful and employers absolutely froth on it. Best part is, due to the free (as in freedom) nature of computer science communities, there's a lot of information available for free online, you just need to know where to look. So You Want to be an Entertainment Lawyer? An Interview with Clement Dunn of Marshalls+Dent Lawyers20/9/2016
Volume 10, Issue 9 Jacob Debets sat down for a chat with Clement Dunn, a third year lawyer at Marshalls + Dent Lawyers This is a reupload from 2016 due to technical issues. Comments are now closed.
JASMINE ALI Volume 10, Issue 9 After listening to the election pitches for “diversity” and “representativeness” from this year’s LSS candidates, it became apparent to me that Melbourne Law School has a diversity problem. I was confronted by the depth of this issue on the very first day I set foot inside the high castle walls of MLS. Upon completion of the celebratory “congratulations, you’ve been admitted into the JD” orientation day pageant put on by MLS administrative heads, I found myself with a small number of fellow black and brown female students, huddling around the table of canapés and pate. At the time, I thought it was a little odd that somehow, as if by some natural centrifugal force, we all ended up talking to each other. I didn’t make too much of it at the time, preferring to think this may just be an uncanny coincidence, and they were all so nice anyway. But I was too generous. ABBY CONE
Volume 10, Issue 9 Unless you have given up on waiting for this promised “mid-semester” break and left the law school, you may have noticed that it’s annual general meeting season. Notably, this means that classes have been inundated with LSS hopefuls promising to put soft drinks in all the bubblers. Perhaps less notably, but equally important, is that many other student groups will be holding their AGMs and electing their new executive board. LAURA BLANDTHORN & SAMANTHA WIMALA
Volume 10, Issue 9 The Later Law Student Network (LLSN) began in 2012 as the brainchild of Natalie Burgess, who is now an associate with Justice Stephen Gageler of the High Court of Australia. We have been working really hard this year (even if we do say so ourselves). We have built an excellent working relationship with faculty and are looking for dedicated people who will maintain this into the future. TAREK BILANI
Volume 10, Issue 9 The Global Law Students Association (‘GLSA’) has got elections coming up this week! The deadline for submitting your application (nomination form+CV+400 word cover letter) is this Friday 23 September at 11:59pm. Interested candidates can send this application by email to [email protected] or drop by the GLSA office to hand in a hard copy. Daniel Conti has been elected unopposed and will join the Leadership Committee in 2016/17.
Volume 10, Issue 7 In this article, I want to talk about what it means to be an international student more than give my two-cents about French culture. CLARKE SHIPLEY
Volume 10, Issue 7 18:10: On the tram from uni now. Just heading to the Commercial & Acumen info night. Looking forward to learning about C&A’s exciting practice areas, and getting in the good books of HR. Might even submit this to that uni rag De Minimis, to counter their constant anti-clerkship propaganda. Probably just jealous of people who get the C&A clerkships. Pathetic. DUNCAN WALLACE
Volume 10, Issue 7 The University recently tried to implement an “Appropriate Behaviour” policy which made freedom of academic expression subject to university “profitability”. PAT SEXTON
Volume 10, Issue 7 ‘What the hell am I listening to?’ The was my initial reaction when I heard the first thirty seconds of Frank Ocean’s long-awaited sophomore studio album, Blonde. ANON
Volume 10, Issue 7 A printed version of this open letter appeared outside the lift well on Open Day 2016. It was quickly taken down by University of Melbourne Staff. It details the experience and opinion of one third year JD student. DUNCAN WALLACE
Volume 10, Issue 7 Last week De Minimis was going to publish an article which began like this: “Melbourne Law School (MLS) has recently embarked on a marketing campaign whereby students and faculty members are profiled on the law school’s official Facebook and Instagram posts. The posts consist of a photo of the student or faculty member, a brief quote about their experience at the law school, and a tagline encouraging prospective students to register for the LSAT. The campaign is called #HumansofMelbourneLawSchool.” |
October 2022