Dear Equity Uncle, I can’t even keep up with my law readings, let alone all this student gabble about justice and disadvantage. Can you give me the short? E.Z. Solutions Dear E.Z.,
You are misguided in thinking that questions of unrecorded lectures and non-laws in the law library will suffice to herald a visit from Equity. They do not. That would be inequitable not only to non-laws themselves but also to the students who simply don’t care. Equity has the highest of moral standards to uphold. Instead, Equity wants to talk about the latest episode of Game of Thrones. Equity is gunning for Tyrion. Mischievous drunkards are very much Equity’s thing. And besides, Jon Snow does too much frowning, which is Equity’s job. Equity awaits a question of substance. Equity Uncle The rest of this week's issue:
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17/5/2016 08:33:55 pm
EU does it again Comments are closed.
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