Dear Equity Uncle... How far can I mislead my classmates before it becomes sabotage? It's a card I can only play once, so when is the ideal moment?
Mr B. Dickus What a miserable question. Anyway, last week Equity Uncle was hanging around the law school a bit, doing his annual Easter Egg Hunt in the library. The librarians hide Easter Eggs behind certain case reports and give hints like "unconscionable" and "trust" and then Equity Uncle tracks down Muschinski and crams his face full of chocolate. The librarians are awesome. And Equity Uncle's Easter Egg Hunt would have been awesome too if the library weren't crammed with bloody first-years the whole time. Do you not have homes? Must you study at Easter? Equity abhors studying on holidays. Equity frowns on diligence. Equity also frowns on misleading your classmates and asking miserable questions. Chocolatey regards Equity Uncle Comments are closed.
October 2022