5 October 2016 This article was written in the lead-up to the De Minimis Annual General Meeting. Come along and vote for your 2017 DM team!! HOLLY WATSON-REEVES
Volume 10, Issue 10 We’ve all had our undies in a twist lately about whether corporate law is a benign necessity or the work of the devil. My carefully considered opinion on the matter is that corporate law can suck it, because I’ve just found a much better option for all of us. DOMINIQUE LOGAN
Volume 10, Issue 10 Hiatus: (noun) a pause or break in continuity in a sequence or activity. Hello semester two, I see you, and you’re putting up a good fight. Yeah, the sheen of first year has worn off; clerkships have crept their way into my life, and keeping up with subjects and research papers is just downright exhausting. And then, when three days before clerkship applications were due a close family member took his own life, I almost let you win, semester two. Almost. But you see, I discovered the best way to remedy you- the Hiatus. KAI LIU
Volume 10, Issue 10 This article is a response to comments underneath last week's De Minimis article, MLS’ “Diversity Problem: It’s Just Not Going Away. Jasmine Ali is right when discussing the issues that MLS has with diversity. She is right, and her lived experiences should not be doubted by people who read her article. What she has experienced, what all people, not just PoC have experienced, are valid life events, and should not be doubted, nor attacked. The comments on the article calling her life experiences “asinine” were disgusting. ALICE KENNEDY
Volume 10, Issue 10 This article is a response to comments underneath last week's De Minimis article, MLS’ “Diversity Problem: It’s Just Not Going Away. Last week, anonymous contributors used the De Minimis comment thread to post deeply ugly content. It is not the first time that a comments section has devolved into sledging. I have written for De Minimis several times. I care about maintaining it as a forum for law students to express themselves with their arguments, their insights and ideas. I am not prepared to see this publication used as a vehicle to anonymously victimise others. JASMINE ALI
Volume 10, Issue 10 This article is a response to comments underneath last week's De Minimis article, MLS’ “Diversity Problem: It’s Just Not Going Away. I have canvassed response, after response, draft after draft, hoping to find some way to satisfy the ‘critics’. I thought that I needed to display my intellectual prowess, to wave the logicians wand, and dispel blow, by blow, the line of ‘reasoning,’ offered by the nameless and faceless challengers. LACHIE MACFARLANE
Volume 10, Issue 10 If you're anything like me, the words climate change only occasionally buzz around the back of your head, perhaps after reading an excessive bi-monthly power bill. The climate crisis either feels like an issue that has faded in relevance, or that someone else is busy taking care of. It hasn't made the news since all that unfortunate business with Julia Gillard's carbon “tax”. Even the name is less threatening than the previous, more ominous moniker, global warming. |
October 2022