A spectre is haunting the MLS – the spectre of clerkships. A delirious aura of exhaustion surely hangs over every law student who has spent weeks writing cover letter after cover letter to law firms they’re not even interested in. If they’re lucky, they get to sit a psychometric test deliberately designed to stress them. If they’re even luckier, they get to sit through an interview trying to explain why they’re interested in a job they’re not interested in. Then, at the end of it all, they are probably going to get an email about the “large number of strong applications this year”, with no idea of how to get a job in law other than through a clerkship.
With clerkship offers rapidly approaching, maybe we should reflect on what this process is doing to us, and how it became this way. The state of affairs is familiar to all of us: there are vanishingly few positions in clerkship programs compared to the number of applicants, and most people end up finding jobs outside of clerkships and graduate programs with the big commercial law firms. Even though we know this to be the case, a massive amount of resources are spent advertising seasonal clerkships, and providing advice on how to ace your interview, spruce your C.V., or compose a killer cover letter. Clerkships often dominate discussions about career opportunities after law school. Even though only a few people will get into a clerkship, it is treated as the default path, if not the only way, into a ‘successful’ legal career. A large number of law students wind up with the tacit impression that their whole worth as a legal professional depends on getting into a clerkship at a commercial law firm, with perverse ethical outcomes. We all do our fair share of puffery when advertising ourselves in job applications, but the hyper-competitiveness that is cultivated by the clerkship process in particular seems to encourage seriously unethical behaviour, and hostility among us all. As an extreme example, De Minimis has been made aware of allegations that a member of the MULSS executive committee misrepresented their employment credentials in order to secure personal benefits. De Minimis understands that the individual has been employed as a casual at a prominent law firm in the past, but continues to mislead others, both face-to-face and via platforms such as Linkedin, into believing their employment is ongoing. A senior representative for the firm at which the individual claims to be employed confirmed to De Minimis that although the person had not been formally fired, their contract was unambiguously casual, and they had received no work from the firm since February. De Minimis understands that the lack of work for eight months means that the person is no longer considered an employee as a matter of law. This raises questions about whether they deceived electors during their 2021 election campaign and whether it would be most appropriate for them to step down from the MULSS Executive Committee. Also in question is when exactly other figures on the Committee became aware of the deception. It isn’t our place at De Minimis to name and shame this person, or to engage in a private crusade against members of the MULSS, but we are genuinely concerned about this as a manifestation of the toxic, hypercompetitive behaviour that the clerkship process in particular seems to encourage. While singling someone out for lying about their work status might seem petty, this is the kind of unethical behaviour that could prevent someone from being admitted as a lawyer, and beyond that, it’s the kind of behaviour that makes people cynical about participating in life at MLS, and makes life miserable for those who try. This concern leads us to raise a question: why is the careers information provided by the MULSS seems so heavily skewed towards the clerkship process, when it is ultimately relevant to so few of us? While events are run to provide information about legal careers in the public sector, or criminal law or public interest law, it nowhere near matches the amount of information or resources devoted to raising awareness about clerkships at commercial law firms, which get their own handbook – which is two and a half times the length of the more generalist careers handbook. Why? Is it perhaps because of the massive amounts of revenue generated by selling space in the handbook to commercial law firms? Is there a conflict of interest experienced by those who organise and publish the careers information? Again, we would like to emphasise that De Minimis is not trying to launch a crusade against members of the MULSS. We all sit in a structure that incentivises hyper-competitive behaviour, and we are not suggesting that members of the MULSS have acted with nefarious intentions. Nevertheless, the pattern is clear, and its malign effects are evident. We need the MULSS to recognise that they put too much emphasis on clerkships as the default pathway into a career, and devote more resources to raising awareness of the normal ways of getting a job after graduation. Clerkships can be a great way to gain experience and exposure, but they are not what most people will experience, and the MULSS has a duty to put its resources into information that is more relevant to the student body at large, who won’t get into one. Note: This article is the result of an investigation by De Minimis. Anyone seeking to learn more about the methods involved in that investigation, and the veracity of the information, may contact the Editor-in-Chief at: [email protected]. CORRECTION: A previous version of this article cited an incorrect reference. Sorry about that.
15/10/2021 08:40:00 pm
A whole new low to be calling out peoples employment when a ‘senior representative’ confirmed they are an employee. Why people aren’t working or taking a leave of absence etc during a pandemic in the longest locked down city in the world amongst a long list of other alternative personal circumstances that may lead to such a situations is quite disgusting.
15/10/2021 08:44:31 pm
What was at first glance turning out to hopefully be a rather insightful article did a complete 360 into a really nasty and targeted attack. NO ONE deserves to be treated like that in these circumstances.
The Full Circle Experience
15/10/2021 09:19:35 pm
I believe the number your looking for is 180, not 360.
15/10/2021 09:31:11 pm
Get over it already mate
15/10/2021 08:50:35 pm
The purely dicta article and now this. Just get over your loss already dude. Who are you to go digging into someone's employment? Maybe worry about yourself and your own admission to practice after all the shady shit you've done. You've singlehandedly destroyed de min and your own future.
15/10/2021 09:11:05 pm
What was the purely dicta article? Curious to read it
RE: curious
15/10/2021 09:14:58 pm
15/10/2021 08:54:39 pm
...I don't think that section of the Fair Work Act means what you think it means.
15/10/2021 09:14:28 pm
Pretty sure 'period of employment' actually relates to the period of employment accrued required to validly apply for certain claims under the Fair Work Act. It doesn't relate to the status as an employee. Time for someone to take Employment Law..
status of an employee a common law characterisation
15/10/2021 09:20:34 pm
a status of an employee. common law question? personally i abide by decision in hollis and vabu and do not have recourse to, the statute....
Actual employment lawyer
15/10/2021 09:24:33 pm
Can confirm. It’s an incorrect reference.
15/10/2021 08:58:31 pm
This is an unnecessary, and absolutely awful article. There are so many reasons why people have had their work 'paused' during the pandemic, and so many people have faced similar circumstances. Leave the discussion about whether someone is working or not to be between the individual and their workplace. Surely the workplace would advise an individual of their working status, and any other changes due to covid/other circumstances, as they see fit. It is not Demin's place to get involved, and provoke unnecessary hate. We are at law school to learn how to be lawyers, not to be brought down by our peers. Please have some empathy for others.
Disappointed 3
15/10/2021 09:06:22 pm
This is really scraping the bottom of the barrel. The MULSS exec committee is continuously grinding for us, making sure that we have many opportunities to learn about careers, commercial or not. To go behind someone’s back like this and contact their firm, truly despicable.
15/10/2021 09:19:07 pm
hear hear! utmost grind!
15/10/2021 09:09:57 pm
people on the LSS are some of the cringest and fakest people I’ve met...not surprised that they’ll do anything to make themselves look better in order to climb that corporate ladder. Have no clue who this article is about but if it’s about the previous committee, the incoming committee is not much better lol
15/10/2021 09:50:08 pm
disgusting attitude.
why do you think LSS is cool
15/10/2021 10:04:32 pm
Are you on the LSS?
15/10/2021 09:14:00 pm
Can the Wacko in Chief please explain why the fuck they are spending time investigating the intricacies of someone’s employment relationship? Do you similarly seek to verify the employment details of all of your peers? Get a grip, this is embarrassing.
The Jerk Store
15/10/2021 09:16:27 pm
This is a stunning article. Well written piece on a super important topic! Just sublime!
Justin Kirby
15/10/2021 09:17:40 pm
Y'all mofos are crazy
15/10/2021 09:22:16 pm
Whoever wrote this hit piece is into autoerotic asphyxiation but the asphyxiation is the bullying of their fellow peers whose personal employment and life circumstances are none of their business.
Please stop
15/10/2021 09:26:24 pm
Please stop, I can only get SO erect
15/10/2021 09:27:52 pm
Can someone please explain why Demin spends so much time bringing others down, instead of actually supporting the student body? Other student societies operate to provide opportunities to connect with the law, and support students. They are building ways to do this from the ground UP. At Demin, under the current leadership, they are only bringing everyone's experience DOWN. There is no thought of how to add value to people's experience at MLS, or build a network of information and ideas to help people flourish. This is the difference between Demin and all other opportunities to engage with the cohorts at MLS. Demin should be ASHAMED of the hurtful impact of articles like this one. Imagine if Demin focused on actually building something of value for the cohort.. Then it would be actually held in high regard for once.
15/10/2021 09:28:10 pm
This article is like biting into a chocolate muffin and finding out it’s fruitcake- don’t hide your hatred for the LSS under a clerkship-shaped bushel, (redacted). Don’t let other people’s expectations (in this case, of worthwhile writing) define you, like how the promising part of this article says that we shouldn’t let the clerkship process do the same. A true wolf in shit’s clothing.
Fruitcake bakers union
15/10/2021 09:32:14 pm
The fruitcake bakers union condemn this message
15/10/2021 09:46:10 pm
Unlike De Min, I will apologise for the hurt I have caused. To lovers and bakers of fruitcake everywhere, from the bottom of my chocolate-loving heart, I’m sorry for have ever compared you to this rag. Grateful for you xx
15/10/2021 09:28:17 pm
15/10/2021 09:31:44 pm
Yes they are. Any comments with the names of people connected with De Min have been deleted
15/10/2021 09:38:19 pm
Hi there,
The rules say so
15/10/2021 09:41:44 pm
Well according to rule 2.2 you should probably remove the comment by 'LSS Cringe' then?
Can we be friends?
15/10/2021 09:28:47 pm
Can we be friends?
Do better
15/10/2021 09:29:18 pm
The article makes a good point, the clerkship season is an incredibly stressful and anxiety inducing moment for everyone who applies.
15/10/2021 09:46:32 pm
As someone familiar with the situation, this person's employment or otherwise was not impacted by covid
Eat Feta
15/10/2021 09:46:49 pm
Couldn't agree more with this writer... Can't abuse people whose work was paused during a pandemic that increase law firms revenue by 30%... They probably just needed to pause so they could hire more help
LSS = lame
15/10/2021 09:31:20 pm
Not sure why you’re all so angry that this article is calling out someone for doing something extremely shadey. I get sticking up for your friends but usually ur friends shouldn’t perpetuate fraud lol
sorry no
15/10/2021 09:33:20 pm
excuse me? how dare you? firstly the person that the article is calling out is absolutely not shadey. they are the most hardworking person i know who works tirelessly for not just the lss but for our entire student body so that we can work at better places. have you no shame? do you know what gratefulness is? they are not a fraud. they are extremely amazing so just leave them alone.
15/10/2021 09:35:03 pm
Are you on drugs? Lol
15/10/2021 09:35:24 pm
Don't fall for the bait. It's a De Min member shitposting.
Just passing by
15/10/2021 09:39:09 pm
Idk if anyone even knows who Dm is talking about tbf....
De Min = Pathetic
15/10/2021 09:42:29 pm
There is no evidence of anything ‘shady’ given in the article. This is just rumour pedalling. But believe what you will, next thing you’ll be confirming the vaccine improves my 5G
15/10/2021 09:40:21 pm
Agreed. I understand people may have different opinions, but DM is allowing other less common voices in the law school heard. As an international student, it’s bizarre to see how intolerant my classmates have been when a different opinion is articulated.
Shame on all of you
15/10/2021 09:31:44 pm
...for deleting comments naming you all when you direct readers to the exact person you're slandering. Grow a pair collectively between the 6 of you and put your names on it.
are comments being deleted?
15/10/2021 09:35:13 pm
I just want to make a quick note that in this country we have an implied freedom of speech (derived from the text and structure of the constitution - see ss 7, 24 and 128). While not technically a contravention of that constitutional freedom, as De Minimis is not a Commonwealth entity, I feel that deleting the comments undermines the spirit of the IFPC.
Peta Credlin
15/10/2021 09:36:30 pm
Fantastic article highlighting the conspiracy of the governing bodies at University
All good
15/10/2021 09:45:28 pm
All good - everyone can easily find out who the de min team is by visiting https://www.deminimis.com.au/about-us.html.
15/10/2021 09:35:13 pm
Mate can you pass the salt you’re hogging it all
15/10/2021 09:37:22 pm
When De Min deletes comments naming their editors, but have previously pushed back against deleting comments that have been called for removal for being properly harmful. Not sure why you’re protected from the consequences of your actions, but the people at the other end of the actions you allow, aren’t.
IFPC argument
15/10/2021 09:42:24 pm
Just piggybacking on this, there is the implied freedom issue. Basically, you could make the argument that because De Minimis is operating a 'public forum' here, they are under a duty not to impede public debate by deleting comments. As a public operator De Minimis is arguably subject to the norms and standards of news media in this country, which includes promoting free speech and an open marketplace of ideas.
“Hurt” person
15/10/2021 09:44:41 pm
Hi so I’ve actually been named/referenced negatively in de min comments before and the team reached out to ask if I wanted them to delete it. I said no, so they didn’t. It’s apparently standard practise to not ignore the wishes of the people mentioned.
16/10/2021 01:36:27 am
Can DM confirm is they reached out to the student in question? Very poor form if not.
'To the dogs' or really just the six behind this
15/10/2021 09:37:23 pm
Perhaps the LSS should send this article to the firms and government offices with your names attached to the editorial board. If you're trying to get someone outcast for supposedly lying, then it's only fair the six of you miss out on any clerk or grad offers for bullying and harassment.
Hypocrites aren’t sexy
15/10/2021 09:54:20 pm
Cute u are concerned for the person in this story but are perfectly happy to anonymously comment these horrible things.
Re: hypocrites aren’t sexy
15/10/2021 10:01:48 pm
Ironic isn’t it
Two wrongs don’t make a rigut
15/10/2021 10:07:52 pm
That’s a nasty thing to say, just because others aren’t considerate doesn’t mean you have to stoop to their level...
Spell correctly next time when trying to make a point
15/10/2021 10:17:03 pm
Hi “two wrongs don’t make a rigut” It’s right*, not sure what a rigut :)
Then why don’t you have the correct grammar
15/10/2021 10:23:05 pm
Bruh didn’t know I was trying to write a h1 essay...speaking of correctness, “not sure what a ‘right’” doesn’t make much sense either ;)
Everyone needs to chill tf out
15/10/2021 10:08:02 pm
Bullying and harassment? That’s a big call. Take a deep breath and relax x
Re: everyone needs to chill TF out
15/10/2021 10:23:33 pm
Big call that can be substantiated if you wanted to waste your time reading through all the other trash articles this publication has produced.
What Resources???
15/10/2021 09:43:42 pm
Disgusting unfounded personal attacks aside, this article keeps talking about the LSS "allocating its resources" disproportionately towards clerkship advertisement.
15/10/2021 09:43:43 pm
So, I tied an onion to my belt which was the style at the time. Now, to take the ferry cost a nickel. And in those days, nickels had pictures of bumblebees on 'em. 'Give me five bees for a quarter,' you'd say.
15/10/2021 09:52:32 pm
Listen up, y'all, 'cause this is it
15/10/2021 09:55:32 pm
"Sections 7 and 24 of the Constitution, read in context, require the members of the Senate and the House of Representatives to be directly chosen at periodic elections by the people of the States and of the Commonwealth respectively. This requirement embraces all that is necessary to effectuate the free election of representatives at periodic elections. What is involved in the people directly choosing their representatives at periodic elections, however, can be understood only by reference to the system of representative and responsible government to which ss 7 and 24 and other sections of the Constitution give effect."
Joke of an organisation
15/10/2021 09:53:33 pm
“I associate myself with De Minimis in any capacity 🚩🚩🚩🚩🚩🚩🚩🚩🚩🚩🚩”
I ain’t the sharpest tool in the shed
15/10/2021 09:54:05 pm
A masked man is pouring a glass of milk. Another man is shown walking down the hallway towards the room. As he is let into the room by two guards, we can see that the man is abnormally short. The masked man is dunking a small person into the glass of milk.
15/10/2021 10:02:33 pm
Welcome to Duloc, such a perfect town
LSS needs to be cleaned up
15/10/2021 09:56:34 pm
I will admit I do not know a great deal about the incoming executive team, but the rotting culture created by the outgoing LSS leadership needs to change.
So true
15/10/2021 10:02:11 pm
100% agree. Serious question, was the executive team actually concerned for the welfare of the student body when creating an anonymous online reporting system, or did they just have some weird fetish for having dirt against students in an effort to cancel and ostracise them.
Do share
15/10/2021 10:02:34 pm
What is this incident? Care to share?
Hear hear
15/10/2021 10:09:59 pm
Everyone seems to drink the LSS cool aid but??? I will say they obviously do put in time and effort to produce content or promote content to us, but its what they signed up for? They wanted the role (presumably for their own personal benefit of padding the CV)??
Then stop participating
15/10/2021 10:14:56 pm
If you hate the LSS so much, I hope you're not attending Law Ball, Valedictory, any of the networking events or career panels, or using any of their supports or online tutorials. Seriously, what do you think MLS would be like without the LSS?
15/10/2021 10:41:01 pm
What was the powertrip ? Please elaborate
15/10/2021 09:58:10 pm
Stop making a joke of Melbourne Uni journalism. how embarrassing having someone like you represent us. Youre neville from Icarly.
Pot Kettle Black
15/10/2021 10:00:46 pm
This article and the baseless, targeted attacks from your entire team is “the kind of behaviour that makes people cynical about participating in life at MLS, and makes life miserable for those who try.” A student’s employment isn’t anyone’s business but them and their employer. Perhaps if the team at De Min exerted the same amount of effort in tearing an innocent person down into striving for opportunities, this article wouldn’t reek of desperation. Clearly, you didn’t get the answer you were hoping for when you contacted the firm and they confirmed the student’s employment status was active. Instead, you’ve made a poor attempt at trying to convince the student body that you’re actually concerned about the hyper-competitiveness of law school. Shame on all of you!
Here here
15/10/2021 10:02:12 pm
Here here
15/10/2021 10:05:17 pm
It’s ‘hear, hear’, encouraging you to hear the person speaking.
Hear hear
15/10/2021 10:08:53 pm
Hear hear
15/10/2021 10:03:38 pm
Yep yep yep
15/10/2021 10:00:51 pm
I wish we could all get along like we used to in middle school... I wish I could bake a cake filled with rainbows and smiles and everyone would eat and be happy
No Yankees please
15/10/2021 11:40:53 pm
I don't think any MLS students attended middle school boss
15/10/2021 10:02:40 pm
The Melbourne Law School student collapsed at the revolving door. He cried out for help but was trampled by LSS members rushing to get priority clerkship offers. As he quickly bled to death, he said the following:
15/10/2021 10:03:05 pm
It's a shame there isn't really much advertised at the university for students who want to pursue criminal work. I know the professional layout is different and that there is a lot more graduate positions in large commercial firms, but at least as far as I saw there was no clerkship-esque opportunities for people interested in criminal work when I was at MLS
15/10/2021 11:35:02 pm
Thats because there is none out there. Criminal law work wouldn't be more than 2% of billings for legal work in Victoria. Its miniscule, very badly paid, and very unpleasant.
Stary Norton Partner
15/10/2021 11:44:42 pm
Yesss Henry, let the hate flow through you. Gooood gooood!
16/10/2021 02:24:10 pm
Criminal law is a joke where there is barely any work. One way to tell the law lemmings is to see them wax lyrical about how they're going to be a 'criminal defense lawyer'.
15/10/2021 10:03:47 pm
According to all known laws
15/10/2021 10:03:55 pm
"CORRECTION: A previous version of this article cited an incorrect reference. Sorry about that."
"Sorry about that"
15/10/2021 10:08:26 pm
I think what they meant to say was "We used an incorrect interpretation of the Fair Work Act to accuse someone of lying on their Linkedin. It turns out we were wrong and this entire article is baseless, but we're going to leave it up anyway because we're douchebags."
15/10/2021 10:09:15 pm
15/10/2021 10:11:54 pm
I mean is anyone else kinda weirded out, beside other glaringly obvious issues, that someone at a reputable law firm is willingly to share employment info about a member of the team? Like wut
Depends on what De Min asked
15/10/2021 10:21:18 pm
I think depending on how the phone call was made the firm could be blameless here.
15/10/2021 10:28:06 pm
Yeah that makes sense...didn’t even think about that’s how they could’ve approached it. Super weird if true
15/10/2021 10:13:13 pm
Not afraid to put my name to this and call out the blatant bullying in this article.
15/10/2021 10:16:58 pm
Could not agree more. Real issue, completely ruined by unacceptable personal attack based off seemingly nothing at all.
15/10/2021 10:17:05 pm
Yep yep yep
15/10/2021 10:19:53 pm
What did the comments say?
15/10/2021 10:31:54 pm
Yes i wanna know
15/10/2021 10:27:26 pm
100% agree.
This is a breach of the constituition
15/10/2021 10:13:38 pm
Ah all right. Give me one moment and I will. Well it’s
15/10/2021 10:14:09 pm
'As long as there are games to play, it is not over' - Sir Alex Ferguson
just sad really
15/10/2021 10:15:44 pm
I actually had hope for a brief second that maybe De Min had a change of heart with the satire and horoscope memes, and thought maybe, just maybe, in the next year we'll get some quality bants and amusing stories.
15/10/2021 10:21:34 pm
“0 comments” doesn’t quite stroke the editors ego the same way. At the end of the day that’s what it’s all about. No fucks given to quality content, bring on the bullying. Only thing keeping them relevant.
15/10/2021 10:20:53 pm
You’re tacky and I hate you
Care to explain?
15/10/2021 10:25:24 pm
Would DM care to explain how exactly they got this private employment 'information" - and don't cite journalistic privilege, this content doesn't deserve the label of journalism
15/10/2021 10:34:19 pm
Someone email them and tell us lol
totally 100% justified article, not hypocritical at all
15/10/2021 10:33:18 pm
Don't listen to the haters in the comments De Min! MLS students deserve to know about any unethical conduct by their peers, no matter how minor the incident.
15/10/2021 10:37:42 pm
👀 Lol
And I oop
15/10/2021 10:40:22 pm
The tea is piping hot
15/10/2021 10:41:35 pm
Pls do tell? What is this incident?
Who do you think
15/10/2021 10:44:05 pm
[redacted] assaulted a girl in the Carlton gardens fountain and she had to get stitches.
tastey tastey
15/10/2021 10:49:42 pm
Unprovoked* assault (allegedly)
15/10/2021 10:50:42 pm
Someone on the DM team? A girl from MLS? I have actually no clue and this is the first time hearing about it
Couldn’t have said it better myself
15/10/2021 10:52:36 pm
“this is the kind of unethical behaviour that could prevent someone from being admitted as a lawyer“
15/10/2021 10:55:35 pm
Hey, girl, is he everything you wanted in a man?
hypothetically, of course
15/10/2021 11:27:03 pm
Unethical behaviour, hmm let me think... Would the second year LSS girls doing lines of cocaine in the law ball bathroom in 2019 count?
15/10/2021 11:46:29 pm
Just wait until you find out actual lawyers who work at firms do drugs too!
This ain’t it
16/10/2021 12:22:46 am
Are you comparing recreational drug use to assaulting someone?
16/10/2021 12:51:54 am
OMG unethical behaviour hmm let me think...would assaulting someone count? Or does it get cancelled out because said person provided first aid?
Simple Minds
15/10/2021 10:33:20 pm
POV: you’re the ‘senior representative’ about to pick up and speak with the De Min editorial team
15/10/2021 10:34:21 pm
I think we're all missing the real point here.
RE: Henry
15/10/2021 10:45:46 pm
henry bby, read the room
15/10/2021 10:49:45 pm
Henry, Mum and Dad are fighting, not now, honey
15/10/2021 10:57:45 pm
I love that Henry has consistently been commenting this for like three years now. Go Henry!
Won’t somebody think of the children
15/10/2021 10:57:24 pm
This is why no one wants to be a part of student societies or student politics because it’s a joke and takes out all of the fun that being a student should entail. All involved need to chill out
Societies suck
15/10/2021 11:07:00 pm
Yeah the LSS are ridiculously cliquey. Go after their own and all hell breaks loose. They go after a lesser student in the cohort and no one bats an eye or it’s covered up. Even the greatest men and women get drunk with power, especially when that power is made out to be something far more substantial than it really is. This is a uni group for Christ’s sake
Re Societies Suck
15/10/2021 11:20:15 pm
Maybe this person is just very nice and well liked. There position makes the identifiable. Nothing to do with being a LSS member or lesser student it just about being a nice person who helps others and what goes around comes around.
Re Re Societies Suck - the point: you missed it
15/10/2021 11:26:47 pm
Nothing to do with whether they are the nicest person on earth or not. De minimis and LSS are both incredibly toxic and no one wants to be a part of them anymore because of all this unnecessary drama
Re re re Societies Suck
15/10/2021 11:28:41 pm
not to be a dick. But if you really think that why are you here commenting...
RE RE RE RE societies suck
15/10/2021 11:39:26 pm
Ooooo cancel me because I said I don’t like them
15/10/2021 11:00:04 pm
Ok you're not listening, as usual.
Allens Managing Partner
15/10/2021 11:36:21 pm
If it'll shut you up Henry, you're hired!
LSS President and Commander in Chief (Eternal Role)
15/10/2021 11:00:31 pm
They targeted the LSS.
Old faithful
15/10/2021 11:02:50 pm
This took a lot longer to show up than I thought... up your game copy pasta commenters
15/10/2021 11:37:05 pm
Why did it take this long for this gem, come on MLS, do better.
15/10/2021 11:07:18 pm
Really think you're all missing the point. There are no jobs. The law degree will leave you worse off. The disaster of non dischargeable debt is approaching. Please please see what is really going on. Law students are unrealistic at the best of times, but you really have to look at the hard numbers (not the schools selective statistics). Those numbers are coming for you.
The world revolves around me
15/10/2021 11:11:23 pm
I have a job
[citation needed]
15/10/2021 11:12:15 pm
Got a link to these numbers buddy?
Henry 2.0
15/10/2021 11:14:12 pm
I am you but better
@ the group chat
15/10/2021 11:17:06 pm
Shout out the homies in the group chat cant wait to have martinis
Just Asking For A Mate
15/10/2021 11:27:41 pm
I think the real issue here is the strong positive correlation between shit WAM, good law firm, and LSS Committee Member - do they spit or swallow?
Your comment is
15/10/2021 11:37:17 pm
Very true
Asking for a mate
15/10/2021 11:41:10 pm
Is 83.055 a shit WAM? :)
Just Asking For A Mate
15/10/2021 11:43:18 pm
So you spit?
Weirdly Impressed
15/10/2021 11:43:21 pm
Weird Flex but great WAM Sir
RE asking for a mate
15/10/2021 11:43:53 pm
Nah it’s a great WAM but without a link to the committee makes no sense in this context
Heard from a friend
15/10/2021 11:41:25 pm
Always swallow. It is a sign of respect.
15/10/2021 11:49:00 pm
Hard hitting comment and the most confusing part about the clerkship process. How does being on the lss make a better clerk rather than studying? What are the resume dot points did I miss? Some jazz about time management when tirelessly organising a sausage sizzle.
15/10/2021 11:55:09 pm
the guild
16/10/2021 12:19:36 am
I have no horse in this race but people citing the constitution here has the same energy as people posting about not giving permission to FB to harvest their data by citing the geneva convention
MLS elite
16/10/2021 01:07:54 am
The magna carta gives the lss rights and the nuremberg trials banned de minimis !
Not the President since '20
16/10/2021 12:46:20 am
16/10/2021 05:40:15 am
I wonder if firms give a shit if people work on committees during law school. I'd be frankly surprised if they did. As a result, I view people working on LSS as folks who legitimately just want to be helpful. Calm down. Not sure why you dislike LSS so much.
16/10/2021 10:26:17 am
For those who can't be bothered reading through the whole thing, the crux of the argument is that, even though the employer and the employee have confirmed the employment, De Min says otherwise.
Reas the article, not the comments
16/10/2021 11:56:00 am
That is not the crux. Someone wrote to De Min about this persons representations both online and 'face to face'. It sounds like someone on the LSS has had enough of someone else on the LSS.
16/10/2021 12:17:01 pm
You’ve done more for this article than the article did for itself, and you’re giving the article credit for nuance and extrapolation it doesn’t have, but that you’ve provided on your own. Kudos to you, but not to the article
actually read the article before you correct people
16/10/2021 12:17:28 pm
You're skimming over the pretty major point that the person in question WASN'T lying. Their employer confirmed to De Min that they WERE a current employee.
respect peoples privacy and have some respect
16/10/2021 12:26:41 pm
No one on the lss ‘tipped’ anyone off. De Min tipped themselves off to give the illusion they were doing the student body some twisted favour in exposing their peers. They took matter into their own hands to progress their own society agenda against the lss and the personal agenda of some (or one individual) member(s) of their committee.
16/10/2021 11:51:34 am
If you’re paying full fees, ie leaving with a 140k debt, and aren’t say top 20% after first year, then you are headed for a disaster.
Henry, Darling
16/10/2021 11:58:51 am
I declare bankruptcy
16/10/2021 12:20:22 pm
I don’t think you realise how you’re actively making it harder for people to take what you’re talking about seriously, lol. Truth or otherwise
It’s Your Mother
16/10/2021 12:44:26 pm
Henry darling come and leave my basement and come out and get some fresh air today. You can jump back on and troll later dear xx
16/10/2021 12:56:53 pm
What is it I’m making up?:
Daddy Henry
16/10/2021 02:26:49 pm
Your rants against the degree are almost as salty as the article itself 😩😩 my cholesterol can’t take it baby x
Hugh Jass
16/10/2021 01:04:00 pm
And award for biggest Sooky La La goes to
Action for breach of privacy
16/10/2021 01:49:15 pm
In Lenah Game Meats the High Court considered the question of whether the common law of Australia recognised a tort which protects the privacy interest. Chief Justice Gleeson had the following to say:
Comments getting deleted again
16/10/2021 02:16:21 pm
16/10/2021 02:20:48 pm
Deleted the comment of the person claiming the article was about them where they are defending themselves. Lol only DM is allowed to make allegations about students and doesn’t even let them stand up for themselves. Talk about cutting people down!
Marked for deletion
16/10/2021 02:54:52 pm
Saying goodbye to this thread in 3, 2, 1
Re: Marked for deletion
16/10/2021 02:58:38 pm
It's been an honour commenting with you gentlemen
Unbiased “Reporting”
16/10/2021 02:40:36 pm
Seeing as you deleted the comment from the person this article is about, surely it would only be fair to give this person a chance to address what was said? Of course that’s only if they want to. You can’t go writing these kinds of pieces and NOT give the person a chance to address the allegations you’re making or provide they’re side of the story. This isn’t even journalism it’s just a shitty gossip blog at this point. As mentioned you had a chance to write a decent article about clerkships and contribute something genuinely useful (I know - DM and useful in the same sentence) but it’s been squandered by a personal, petty vendetta. The least you can do is give this person a chance to address these claims rather than deleting the comments from them and the ones calling you out. Isn’t it funny how the author of this piece wants all comments removed that discuss who they are but is happy to put another student on blast? It’s not fun when it’s being done to you is it, and I’m sure you’d like a chance to defend yourself. Shame you don’t afford others with that opportunity.
Green-eyed monster
16/10/2021 02:58:55 pm
"We are genuinely concerned about this as a manifestation of the toxic, hypercompetitive behaviour". Because this article, baseless by its own admission, doesn't exacerbate this at all, does it?
16/10/2021 03:05:45 pm
I'm so glad the people who perpetuate this culture are not in a position to directly look after the student body through leading the LSS. Comments are closed.
October 2022