Volume 20, Issue 6 Dear Qualified and Questioning,
Following on from last week, if you want to be a lawyer you will be a lawyer. If your only motivation for transitioning out of the space entirely is being worried no one will want you, that is a trash call. Being unwanted never stopped a single man named Jared, Nick, or Sam, why should it stop you? Shamelessly slide into those HR rep DMs with a ‘so we linking up or what?’ until you get your foot in the door. If you really are done, there are of course options. Let’s not forget, you’ve got a whole undergrad to fall back on – you could dust that baby off and take her to market. The market probably won’t want her, but worth a shot. Otherwise, just sign up for another masters or PhD to prolong this problem for another couple years. If the former isn’t an option (rip Arts kids) and the latter makes you want to vom, there are plenty of law-related jobs out there. Which one to target largely depends on what drew you to study law in the first place. Wanted to make a morally questionable amount of money? Have people go ‘wow that’s interesting’ when you tell them what you do? Help others (while getting paid and not having to interact with the public)? If you can figure out what the initial draw is, you can find out which avenue to go down to meet those needs. Are you a massive wanker with a huge yet fragile ego? Politics or journalism could be the go. Enjoy making money and doing glorified busywork? Consulting or some other Big4 circle jerk. Hate yourself and want to bring others down to your level? Human resources or recruitment. Like helping others, but mostly want a cushy 9 to 5 with decent pay? Government or policy making. Want to actually help others and plan to live in a sharehouse until you’re 35? Advocate or community worker. Are you a massive nerd, obsessed with the law, and billables make you nauseous? Academic or judge’s associate. None of these hitting? There are a million jobs that don’t require a degree at all, or you can start studying around the med school during SWOTVAC and secure a cushy house-spouse position. If all else fails, a professional son or daughter is always on the table. Somewhat Sincerely, Your Learned Friend
Anony Mouse
31/8/2021 08:45:41 pm
In all seriousness, look into Policy roles. Comments are closed.
October 2022