Content warning: this article references experiences of sexism. Prior to entering law school, I was told all sorts of cautionary tales. In particular, I was made well aware of the prevalence of sexism in the legal industry. As a woman who had already been in the workforce, I was aware of the various ways in which misogyny manifested and how people exercised it. I was also aware that being an outspoken woman of colour would attract additional hostility. I remember walking through those glass doors for the very first time, imposter syndrome gripping me tightly – a phenomenon that was not unusual for me. I expected it would last for my first semester and then slowly subside, but this time was different. Being a woman of colour, especially one who did not attend a select-entry or private school, in a prestigious institution proved to be far from palatable. As an outspoken individual, the feelings of isolation and consistent reminders that I didn’t belong became entrenched. The truth is, my very existence, particularly in an institution, is political. I am unable to exist without being a direct threat to the status quo, even though it is not of my own volition. In my first semester, a friend and I competed in Witness Examination. For the majority of our rounds, we had the same student judge. This same judge consistently referred to me as ‘Shriti’ even after being corrected multiple times. For reference, my name is phonetic (Srish-ti). There were a plethora of times I corrected this particular judge. Heck, I even inputted my pronunciations into zoom. Although I could not pinpoint whether it was due to my race or my gender that this conduct was repeated, it was a subconscious display of the judge’s discomfort with my intersectional existence. Although it would have been easier to smile and ignore, I repeatedly called them out and as a result I felt a sense of animosity from the judge. Since then, I was provided feedback at the end of our rounds that appeared highly arbitrary as it did not clearly demonstrate how I could have performed better. The only time my partner and I won a round was when we had a separate set of judges. I anticipate that people may think that is a situation of chance. However, let me draw your attention to the following. I remember the last round in which my partner and I participated, I was the acting legal counsel and performing cross-examination, judged by the same individual. During the cross-examination, I completely derailed the prosecution’s witness to the point that the witness demonstrated inconsistency with their witness statement. It was unequivocal to all parties that we had won. But no. We didn’t. I do not dispute that some rounds my partner and I competed in had rightful outcomes because naturally, there are always wins and losses. But to me, this particular moment seemed to confirm all my doubts about my existence being unpalatable. As I said, I can’t point to it purely being an experience of sexism or racism, but it was one to do with the threat of my existence. Of course, it is always nice to win, but I was enraged about something more insidious. As the astonished faces of the opposition demonstrated, everyone knew the outcome wasn’t fair. Either way, it was just a competition, and the judge was a student, so I let it go. In fact, later in the year and in a different environment, this student ended up redeeming themselves to me after getting to know me better. They also ended up calling me by my actual name. But, here’s the thing. Misogyny isn’t typically blatant, but because of its subtle nature, it can be even more sinister. It is often displayed through the subconscious reaction one has to women, even more so when they are outspoken women of colour. This is because misogyny works as a type of prejudice that functions in contempt of those who unapologetically operate outside of the patriarchal constraints that they are expected to. However, when you add other forms of prejudice a person with an intersectional existence is likely to experience, it is likely to cause significant psychological damage. In fact, one can like a woman as an individual, be well intentioned and still engage in misogyny. Because you can still belittle, humiliate and disrespect someone because anything disruptive to ‘acceptable’ power relations is threatening. Even without malice. I wish to say that my experience in my first semester was a one-off, but unfortunately not. I had this behaviour repeated by a tutor of mine. Similarly, I was called ‘Shriti’ for an entire semester, regardless of my correcting the tutor ample times and inputting my pronunciations on zoom. Everyone in class noticed it. Many remarked to me privately about it. But, my tutor did not change this behaviour nor hesitate to learn the difficult pronunciations of my male counterparts. Every week, I did the readings, prepared as best as I could and regularly contributed to class. Often, when I raised my hand to contribute, my tutor would respond to me with an ‘okay’. But when a man contributed and sometimes even made a similar point, was rewarded with an ‘excellent’ and further discussion. I remember one of my final classes, ironically on gender, I said something along the lines of “the onus falls on men to prevent sexual harassment in the legal industry by facilitating conversations with other men and strongly encouraging them to change their behaviour”. Once again, I was given an ‘okay’. There is no doubt that as future lawyers we will have to advocate for clients with vast lived experience that may differ from our own. By being transparent about our experiences, hopefully we can foster an understanding that involuntary factors are often at play for an intersectional existence – pushing them further to the margins. At the end of the day, to be empathetic will evolve us as advocates and we can start that journey here and now. This is why I’m sharing this. Because it’s important that we be able to hold others and each other accountable and most of all, learn. Srishti Bali is a first-year law student. The views in this article do not necessarily reflect the views of De Minimis or its Editors.
Grace B
12/12/2021 08:12:43 pm
Such a well written article on a really important but difficult to talk about issue. Thanks for sharing this.
Comments are back!
12/12/2021 08:33:02 pm
Oh awesome comments are back, can we keep talking about how De Min published a probably false defamatory attack on a fellow student and are yet to apologise or take the article down?
12/12/2021 08:43:32 pm
Not that the issue that you’re referring to should be ignored or swept under the rug, but the issues that Srishti has outlined need their own space and focus. De-railing this article to shift the spotlight away from women of colour and the experiences of discrimination that they face really isn’t appropriate and is pretty disrespectful.
Probably False
12/12/2021 09:30:45 pm
What do you mean "probably false" dafamatory attack. Why did you automatically assume that her experiences were false?
12/12/2021 10:22:23 pm
I believe this is the article OP was referring to:
All about you
12/12/2021 10:04:39 pm
I think it took extraordinary courage for Srishti to post this. THAT is what we should be focussing on.
12/12/2021 08:55:56 pm
What a well written article thanks for sharing your experience!
12/12/2021 09:25:05 pm
Thank you so much for sharing your experience Srishti. You have captured a lot of the emotions and the experiences black and PoC women go through, at the law school and beyond.
Also a public school, coloured kid
12/12/2021 09:40:31 pm
There’s more than one of us?!
12/12/2021 10:23:41 pm
Wait...could it be that there is more than one coloured experience? As another poc woman with a tricky name I can’t say I’ve experienced misogyny or racism at the law school (thankfully), but I also think we need to appreciate that not all of us have the same lived experience for a number of different reasons and intersectional factors. Srishti is so brave for sharing this, it sounds like she corrected these people multiple times nicely and the respect still wasn’t shown in return. Let’s not gaslight our own folk - there’s enough white people out there already doing that :))
13/12/2021 01:10:19 am
I can't speak for the comps issues either but I think I had the same tutor as well and, while I'm not in Srishti's shoes, the tutor did have a notably unique accent that I thought might have contributed to potential mispronunciations? There are often much simpler answers to these misunderstandings. He also responded 'okay' probably 90% of the time when people contributed in class. We had a lot of content to cover and a lot of people wanted to contribute, especially on the topic of misogyny, so there really wasn't enough time to thoroughly respond to most contributions.
13/12/2021 07:41:56 am
Although the intention of your comment is completely valid, I think you are actually diminishing her experience. As she mentions, it’s not purely about the experience of being POC but about intersectionality as well. It’s alarming that people are quick to portray that POC are successful in comps, get good marks but have no statistics to back that up.
13/12/2021 11:56:58 am
Gosh, this entire comment is so patronising. "I'd even guess that PoC are disproportionately successful" is the exact type of thing that makes these issues worse. It's the fact that POC are expected to live up to their "model minority" stereotypes and god forbid they speak up as individuals who don't want others to endure the same kind of treatment. It is clear that POC endure various barriers in order to be "successful", and by saying comments like these you are diminishing Srishti's and the experience of other POC.
Responses are Ignoring the points
13/12/2021 03:24:53 pm
The point is that not every small mistreatment of someone has to do with their race or sex and it’s incredibly naive to jump to those conclusions. Also assuming that EVERYONE in class noticed your name and EVERYONE watching your comp was shocked at your loss is hilariously egotistical. Maybe she’s just not a very likable person to some people?
13/12/2021 04:21:21 pm
First of all, ‘rationality’ in such situations is so subjective. What you view as rational is purely based on your experiences.
13/12/2021 04:27:53 pm
Haha. The fact that your original comment conveyed that you were not ‘diminishing’ her experiences but have clearly demonstrated in this second comment that you are due to a personal vendetta. Now your original ‘rationale’ is not looking very logical is it?
13/12/2021 11:49:41 am
If you think you had the same tutor you would have noticed her politely correct him (too many times) and everyone else referring to her by her proper name. There is NO excuse. I was in her class and painfully witnessed her trying to correct him multiple times.
12/12/2021 10:16:34 pm
I was in Srishti’s class and she corrected him multiple times and I’m sure she also messaged him privately about it as well, if not raised it with him another way.
12/12/2021 10:28:39 pm
Wow Srishti. I always knew when you spoke in class that you were not to be messed with. Think the law school has uncovered the new Julia Gillard.
Nedaj Thims
12/12/2021 11:01:43 pm
Honestly, POC make an effort to learn a whole colonial language, together with properly pronouncing your names and then actually articulate points to mediocre white men who are there just because of their identity in the first place, and this is what we get. Y'all settlers got some cheek! Disrespekt is off the frigging charts, ffs
13/12/2021 11:10:05 am
Comments like this don't help anyone's cause or improve discourse in any way. If someone actually wants to improve their behavior and they read nonsense like this, they'll just be filled with animosity towards you.
13/12/2021 05:49:49 pm
ok boomer, be oppressive towards pocs and then not only not let them vent but also impose the burden of being nice to their oppressors.
Hugh Jass
25/12/2021 05:48:02 pm
It's really difficult living in the best country in the world during the most peaceful & prosperous time in history isn't it?
12/12/2021 11:03:31 pm
Srishti you are an amazing writer and radiate authenticity. Your article particularly highlights the struggles of many POC women in academics, especially women who are outspoken and will not confine to being submissive and letting things slide. I thank you for raising such important topics and creating space for other POC women.
13/12/2021 07:49:59 am
Thanks so much for writing this Srishti. Similarly to you, I had a similar experience with a tutor who would also dismiss me every time I spoke, which I struggled with in the first place. Weirdly, the tutor was also from the same ethnic background as me so it was weird that he chose to treat me that way given he should have easily known how to say my name. By the end of exam time, my confidence was completely diminished and I was seriously looking into other options. I am the first in my family to go to university and so doing this degree was a bigger deal than it already is. You don’t know how much you writing this has actually meant for me and hopefully other WOC that may have experienced something similar. Please keep speaking out about this, you are amazing.
Leah A
13/12/2021 12:16:30 pm
This is one of the best articles I’ve read in a long time. Thank you so much, Srishti, for writing such a raw and authentic piece that is true to the pervasive issues still clearly prominent. Having someone be genuine enough to share their voice and talk about such experiences is incredibly admirable and you are genuinely one of the strongest people I know. Thank you for starting such a necessary conversation.
13/12/2021 01:25:31 pm
So…. How do we sign up to the Srishti fan club?
14/12/2021 08:58:49 pm
Think we're missing the real point here- there are no jobs in law.
He's back!
15/12/2021 10:59:05 am
Elaborate troll? Dedicated loser? Who knows! But he's back to tell you that you'll never get a job in every de min comments section!
15/12/2021 11:56:50 am
Tell me you don't read the AFR without telling me you don't read the AFR
15/12/2021 12:35:46 pm
I think we need to talk about the real issue here.
Max Ferguson
15/12/2021 01:52:43 pm
Hey Henry, we’ve noticed you’ve commented on a few of our articles. We’d love for you to get in touch to have a proper chat about your perspective. Our email address is [email protected].
19/12/2021 06:03:44 pm
Whats ironic is how all the commenters here are all wise and oh so sarcastic about the foibles of others etc etc, yet you can't perceive that you are the naive marks of the biggest scam going.
22/12/2021 01:17:21 pm
The other issue is that, apart from the 140-145k of non dischargeable debt that your law degree gives you, it also acts as a powerful career negative. You'll end up having to take it off the resume to get any sort of job. So not only are you in life ruining debt, but your destroying your future as well. If not in the very top of the class, drop out now.
23/12/2021 12:01:14 am
Shut up dickhead.
23/12/2021 08:32:04 pm
I think, curiously, you've set up your own Stockholm syndrome here. By paying so much for your degrees- 90% of you will emerge with a 145k debt (for a course that used to cost about 10k total) you are conning yourselves that it is prestigious, that it must have value. Its like paying $10,000 for a half day typing course, then saying how elite it is because of the cost. Comments are closed.
October 2022