Issue 8, Semester 1, 2019 More lovelorn hearts @ MLS. Submit your missed connections (real or fantasy) to [email protected] To the Dreamboat I saw on the Mezzanine the other day When I saw you, I noticed you wore glasses. Presumably you still do. They make you look reflective. I liked your shoes, they seemed well-made. That’s good, they suggest future earning potential. You also carried a Frank Green cup. I do want my future husband to care for the environment. I haven’t managed to track you down on Facebook yet, but my parents already approve of our match. Would you like to get coffee sometime? And if that goes well, discuss moving into a small cottage in the countryside? BESOTTED IN BRUNSWICK *** To the creepy boy who keeps trying to ‘accidentally’ bump into me
This deep connection you seem to think we have? That was me just being nice to you once back in first year. Please don’t try to strike up a conversation with me at Law Ball. I’d like to enjoy my evening. EXASPERATED IN ELSTERNWICK *** To the girl in my tax class who was discussing Game of Thrones with her friends No, the Golden Company is not the same group of mercenaries from seasons three through six. Those were the Second Sons, led by Daario Naharis, and were left behind in Slaver’s Bay to help govern the peace in eastern Essos between Mereen and her neighbouring cities now that the ruling Ghiscari class and the system of chattel slavery have been overthrown. The Golden Company is an entirely different organisation, founded by Aegor Rivers, the bastard son of Aegon IV Targaryen after fleeing Westeros at the end of the Blackfyre Rebellion roughly a century before the start of the show, and operate predominately in and around the Free Cities. It is unlikely that there will be a last-minute love triangle between Daenerys, Jon Snow and Captain Strickland. I would be happy to explain this in greater detail next Monday at my place. You can bring the popcorn. KNIGHTLY IN NORTHCOTE *** Comments are closed.
October 2022