Issue 2, Volume 17 RAYMOND KERTEZC Hyper-realised auto-pilots trapped in the social vortex that renders the automatons perpetually spiralling ever further. The global data movement uploading us to the motherboard of the mothership that overstimulated us at every stage of our psychosexual development. Material ownership forever developing as a compounding positive feedback loop and yet stripping the physical essence from everything. Virtual personalities mapped on binary vectors in cyberspace being shipped to the brave new frontier on the SS Google deep mind. Frankenstein’s monster. The consequences of AI. True self-reflection of the human condition. To create. To harness the divine light that is electricity, and through the haziness of our hubris gestate the unholy monster that will be. For it is not the creation, despite its uncanny physicality, that is the monster. It ultimately is, and always will be us. To believe with such assurance that we even possess the right to birth such a thing. To masquerade as a god and to erect the prodigal monument of our intellect and ignorance in one decisive flick of a switch. The virtual heart break simulator. Even with the impeding reality of AI sex slaves the common person as a consequence of social chastity is overridden with the unconscious desire for their repression in the most Deleuzian framework. A self-inflicted stronghold so powerful that one submits to, and generates an endless cycle of emotionally frustrated stress so taboo that it can only be rationalised with hours of therapy. This facade will necessarily decay as we program our future lovers to ignore us. Raymond Kertezc is the pseudonym of a JD student.
12/3/2020 10:21:06 am
mmm loving these 21st century Ginsberg vibes Comments are closed.
October 2022