Issue 10, Volume 17 ANONYMOUS Guys it’s time for all the bullying and shit stirring to stop. Last night we all saw De Minimis publish another tired attack on the so called snobbish culture of Melbourne Law School and the entirely predictable trash heap that resulted in the comments section. Frankly I’m tired of these constantly negative attacks against my fellow students. Its time we start seriously asking for change. Reading articles from a couple of years ago you could be forgiven for thinking that De Minimis was a halfway respectable publication. The paper used to publish interesting and researched stories from students about the development of the law or actually amusing observations about student life. Sadly these past few years the quality of DM has declined to the abysmal standard we see today, a ‘magazine’ that alternates between lazy inside jokes and haikus that nobody reads seemingly written by the same two or three people on rotation mixed with the occasional controversy-bait taking aim at their fellow students for the crimes of doing their best to survive and give each other support during a difficult degree.
It seems obvious that DM really has nothing better to write about these days than to stir up controversy and anger between their fellow students. In the past few years they’ve published openly racist articles or articles making fun of people’s physical appearance. When they’re not busy doing this their other favourite targets seem to be the hardworking members of student leadership bodies trying to make everybody’s (including the people at DMs) degrees a little bit easier, or taking swipes at the so-called elitist culture at MLS (read people who actually give a damn about their careers that they’re spending years working toward). These kind of pieces instead of being legitimate and informative journalism does nothing more than damage the already under pressure mental health of the students who are the targets of these kind of attacks in a degree which is already likely to lead to lasting stress anxiety and depression. Of course we’re all ready for the predictable excuse. “We only publish what students give us – if you want different content write yourself.” Frankly this excuse is getting old fast. De Minimis isn’t some helpless organisation powerless to control their own content. They’re a publication in charge and responsible for the stories they choose to put out, under the same ethical guidelines as any other media outlet. Secondly it seems that DM often takes a position themselves trying to stir up more controversy and anger writing these articles themselves, to actively seeking out these kind of stories and angles. Earlier this week the editors swooped in on Facebook threads to stir up anger and generate more of those deliciously click-baity rants about the hard work of the LSS to find a solution to the clerkship crisis caused by COVID. If they were genuinely concerned about this as a story they might have investigated and written something long before. Instead they only show up to feed and farm the anger of a small group of butthurt people who weren’t 100% happy about some changing dates. Finally if De Min really wants to change its stories maybe they should think about their reputation and the standard they’re setting! My goal in writing this isn’t to suggest that the editors or writers of De Minimis are personally bad people. But for a while now they have been contributing to an unfriendly culture at law school and we need to ask them to change. Stop publishing anonymous hate pieces against your fellow students and faculty. Start seriously considering the impact your articles have on the feelings of others. I’d love for DM to be a thoughtful and supportive forum for law students to share their experiences and stories. But until we start fighting for a change in their standards, it won’t be. Anonymous.
10/5/2020 07:08:27 pm
They targeted the LSS.
LSS Has Risen Up
10/5/2020 07:11:22 pm
Quality shit post worthy of this nonsense article - someone just trying to stir up more drama for little gain
10/5/2020 07:10:43 pm
> Article against calling people out
LSS Rise Up
10/5/2020 07:13:10 pm
Journalism is when you create warm fuzzy feelings
10/5/2020 07:13:28 pm
Thank you, kind author, for letting us know that criticising the LSS is unethical
secondly without a firstly?
10/5/2020 07:15:22 pm
This article is the lowest quality so far. One sentence is 72 (boring and grammatically-average) words long. Also you whine that the magazine is full of attacks and ~bad vibes~ yet that's all you contribute.
X Æ A-12
10/5/2020 07:21:14 pm
Yes DM publishes some pretty objectionable stuff, but this is only because objectionable and messed up stuff happens at MLS on the frequent. DM holds up a mirror to what goes on at 185 Pelham Street - yes, you're entitled to attack DM for doing this, but why aren't you attacking and dismantling the ACTUAL vile stuff that's going on at MLS, rather than just the reporting of it (such as the aforementioned racism, bullying and elitism).
11/5/2020 07:35:52 am
Is there actual bullying going on at MLS (not including in anonymous DeMin comments)?
Yes :(
11/5/2020 12:32:56 pm
A lot of the racism and elitism goes hand in hand with the bullying. For me, It was quite extreme and constant from a particular group of people... and only stopped when the school stepped in.
Marlin Buke
10/5/2020 07:23:41 pm
Can't wait til this article is cited in a years time as evidence of DM needing to change.
You can't pick and choose
10/5/2020 07:24:33 pm
I actually thought the article highlighting the less that ideal culture at MLS was one of the best so far. Something I could and did genuinely engage in as opposed to having to read something else about the law when I see enough of that at uni. Not all of us fill our minimal spare time with law too. It's good to have a piece that actually every MLS student can easily engage with, critique, agree or disagree with without needing any other knowledge, just by virtue of attending the uni.
10/5/2020 07:43:43 pm
>Stop publishing anonymous hate pieces
Couldn’t agree more!
10/5/2020 08:24:21 pm
This article is spot on. De minimis has the potential to do so much more than create comment wars and post hate pieces!
10/5/2020 08:28:26 pm
"noooooo you cant just let people publish opinionarino's i disagree with".
Not this again
11/5/2020 09:55:38 am
Having a people of colour lunch is about as racist as having a Women's Officer on the LSS is sexist (i.e. not at all). Its about REPRESENTATION AND INCLUSION.
Not Pepe
11/5/2020 10:35:08 am
Personally I think 'representation and inclusion' lunches etc do more harm than good by singling out certain groups and breeding resentment, but I'll agree to disagree on this point. Nonetheless - do you think it is accurate to say that the article criticising the lunch exhibited 'overt racism'?
Pepe's murkin
11/5/2020 11:34:48 am
Because if you can't land a point with reason, YOU HAVE TO YELL IT TO COMPENSATE. TAKE THAT PATRIARCHY.
pepe the second
11/5/2020 04:52:16 pm
Let me fix this for you. I think you forgot your caveat.
Credit where due
10/5/2020 08:33:01 pm
Actual respect to DM - publishing your critics is a classy move.
11/5/2020 09:06:25 am
I was just thinking this. Pretty baller checkmate by DM
Own up to it
10/5/2020 08:59:31 pm
I think removing the ability to be anonymous as both a writer and a commenter would go a long way to reducing the toxicity that permeates much of De Min.
10/5/2020 10:28:04 pm
Remember last year when they tried to make comments non-anonymous and no one was happy?
11/5/2020 09:32:45 am
If comments weren't anon there would be no comments, and no one would submit to De Min if there's no prospect of engagement
Unfortunate reality
10/5/2020 09:13:24 pm
Would we really get any honest opinions or submissions this way? Didn't de min trial a different comments system and then get no comments because if it? It seems that because of the culture we have, if anyone outed their name to an honest opinion they'd be hounded and ostracised - by one side or the other. De min merely makes us aware to our own flaws as a cohort.
Unfortunate Reality
10/5/2020 09:14:32 pm
Oops, this was meant to be a reply to Own Up To It
What is everybody talking about?
10/5/2020 09:37:45 pm
If I’m missing something here, please somebody explain it to me - but where the hell are all of these anonymous, toxic articles that everybody is referring to? I just skimmed all the pieces published this year, and there is the one on Friday (mildly whingey at worst), and possibly ‘The Woke Oblivion’. Like the rest of them seem to be a mixture of student-reporting, comedy and general interest articles.
bugls life
11/5/2020 09:05:23 am
De Minimis is sick - best uni mag around. Don't turn it into another tepid uni publication where people agree with each other incessantly that needs to rely on dumb gimmicks like sex tips to have any sense of interest for the student body.
11/5/2020 09:37:05 am
Hard agree. If you don't like the articles from DM it just means you don't like what members of the cohort are actually thinking. Like it or not, there is a substantial number of JD students who agree with the general sentiment in the 'Wankers' article (though perhaps not taking issue with every single complaint made by the author). It's always better to know the truth.
11/5/2020 11:54:36 am
The anonymous comments section (and corresponding ability to publish an anonymous article) is, at worst, a necessary evil of de min. Although it predictably devolves into somewhat of a slanging match, it does provide people with the ability to express controversial views that are pertinent to MLS and its culture. How are both sides of this latest MLS 'war' supposed to engage with one another and register the other side's concerns if they don't hear these honest, unfiltered opinions about the way things are run?
galaxy brain
11/5/2020 04:38:51 pm
"(read people who actually give a damn about their careers that they’re spending years working toward)"
11/5/2020 04:39:47 pm
They targeted the LSS.
Hannah, second year
11/5/2020 04:44:55 pm
It seems the perpetual human desire to seek out a scapegoat, coupled with the extremely insular nature of the Law School leads to a sharply divided faculty. Maybe if MLS was more integrated with the general university community we could blame all our problems on M*d or E*gineering kids instead… Hah.
Third Year
11/5/2020 09:30:15 pm
I love this comment - articulate and concise. 5 stars!
11/5/2020 05:29:21 pm
De Minimis? They should call it De MEAN-imis! I think this magazine is really mean, especially the recent article about ghosts hurt my feelings a lot. De MEAN-imis needs to be CANCELLED.
Raoul Renard
12/5/2020 10:12:48 am
I also take myself too seriously
12/5/2020 08:01:30 pm
Colleague, Comments are closed.
October 2022