Issue 7, Volume 18 MICHAEL FRANZ The LSS was contacted for comment by De Minimis. Their response is included at the end of the article. Last Monday, 7th September, in a unanimous vote at the monthly committee meeting, the MULSS committee adopted a new and expanded version of the MULSS Social Media Policy - the regulations that govern acceptable use and engagement on the various LSS social media accounts including its various Facebook pages and groups. Historically, the social media policy has been a contentious subject. Following the adoption of its first iteration in 2015, De Minimis’ then Managing Editor (later EiC) Duncan Wallace wrote: “I recognise that this is a difficult area [sic] but I think it is appropriate to take a conservative approach to this issue. I would guard against introducing new and untried social media policies the effects of which are unclear. The burden of proof should be on those who argue that it is necessary to introduce censorship.” It is of course easy to imagine oneself as standing on some imaginary arc of history by selecting a well-placed quote or two from the archives, but I do think that Duncan’s words are still true today. I also think that a slightly more direct and less nuanced version of the concern is also essentially correct: This new policy vastly and unnecessarily expands the scope of prohibited conduct on LSS social media accounts and undermines the expectation of procedural or evaluative fairness on behalf of the administrators. Before we get any further however, some rather tedious housekeeping has unfortunately become necessary. I strongly dislike the recent impression that De Minimis is an anti-LSS publication. Generally, I rather like the LSS. I make frequent use of their services and enjoy the events they (used to) host. I had a minor but enjoyable co-opt role myself last year; and I consider a number of committee members to be personal friends. In fact, I feel a bit uneasy when I see articles about fellow students in general. Partly because we really have not done a good job of growing a more constructive ecosystem on this site these past few years. Mostly because I’m an adult, and at my age it just feels embarrassing to steer into the juvenile high-school spectacle of the MLS culture wars. Sure, I secretly enjoy the drama of a good comments-section bonfire every now and then, but if it were up to me I’d much rather spend my time writing silly articles about ghost law or some other nonsense that nobody will read. I’m not going to pretend to be as impartial today. Whatever the intentions behind it, I believe that once brought into effect the new policy will be harmful to the law school and student life. Under the previous policy, prohibitions were against ‘defamatory, derogatory, harassing, discriminatory or otherwise inappropriate’ conduct. Although left undefined, to some extent each of these terms was constrained, at least implicitly. Added under the new policy is conduct considered ‘offensive, insulting, humiliating, or intimidating.’ The vagueness of these terms is bespoke tailored for scope creep and can be unambiguously extended to a range of critical commentary and discourse. Now, recently we have been sold an unfortunate meme that beneath objections to these kinds of prohibitions lies a secret desire to enact prejudice on vulnerable groups. I think this is usually untrue. It is unclear to me what added protections to the safety of our digital spaces prohibitions against ‘offensive’ conduct offer, which are not already in place under more sensible categories of discrimination, racism, sexism, homophobia, transphobia, and various other bigotries. Or, what utility ‘insulting’ and ‘humiliating’ provide which is not already captured by operative university codes of conduct on social media use and bullying. It is however, apparent to me that these terms are worryingly undefinable, prone to unpredictable and elastic application, operating outside of agreed categories and without target specificity. They are inevitably destined for misapplication and the weaponization of disputes between overly-litigious students. A prohibition against ‘speculative content’ has been repeated, as has a prohibition on content considered ‘otherwise inappropriate.’ Additionally, the previous prohibition against ‘excessive use’ has also been expanded to include ‘spamming’ – any material that visually dominates the online space or invades a user’s notifications. Most concerning has been the alteration to the language of the policy’s administration and enforcement. Under the wording, the finding of a breach is purely at the discretion of directors. Administrators may unilaterally remove any content without notice. The directors may make any binding directions to users about any form of future conduct, and these directions are final. An allowance for the committee to adopt definitions or terms from time to time seems worryingly open – though in fairness this has been explained to me to be intended merely as a mechanism to integrate certain formal resolutions usually made at the organisational level. Removed is an aspirational, though potentially instructive line about only intervening where deemed absolutely necessary. No provisions are included for the involvement of impugned users in any process or investigation, or any form of dispute resolution. Now, as a matter of practical reality, one might have expected that the policy’s administrators would ultimately be responsible for making decisions under it. Less expected is to see this practice reified in the language of naked power. These changes are not merely cosmetic - function does sometimes follow form, and the implicit expectations and cultures of administration between these policies are vastly different. Part of this goes to an underlying philosophical dispute on the use of these spaces. Do we view them purely as an outward looking facet of the organisation, necessarily bounded by strict administrative authority? Or do we view them as more communal resources, created and shaped by our collective interactions? I will admit, some compromise is necessary to recognise the legal responsibility of the association. But it is not too much to ask this to at least be bounded by a sense of moderation and humility. These harms are not purely speculative for us. A good deal of our concern as editors is motivated by our own experience this year with the way SMPs are applied. In mid-May, De Minimis was contacted by the LSS following a confidential complaint against us. The following investigation went into a number of areas, but the core issue emerging was whether our posts constituted excessive use on the basis of how much visual space they took up on the JD feeds compared to other users (what would be considered spamming under the new policy), and if and what in what form we could post our articles on the JD cohort pages. A fairly trivial issue for most, however life and death for an organisation that receives 65% of our social media acquisition from those pages. Now, I have been conflicted about how, and even if, to talk about this. It not our role as editors to seize the platform to publicly litigate our organisational disputes. It is also hard to be impartial - the duration and correspondence of the dispute has been long and complex; it would be difficult to summarize concisely whilst being fair to both parties. Frankly, what I am about do next – obliquely reference a handful of events out of context – is not much better. But I think it is important to understand the impact that these policies have on students – and unfortunately, our experiences this year, as the subjects of an investigation and the subsequent application of policy and negotiation, have not been positive. Having our posts deleted; feeling as though restrictions and instructions about the format of our articles were unnecessary or excessive; feeling as though we have been denied the same access to community spaces as our peers. Ironically it has been concern over the comments section on our own site being targeted for administration, that has often led us to delete discussions out of pre-emptive fear. It is important to note that after our latest discussions we are not subject to any continuing restrictions and seem more or less free to post in the manner we have done in the past. However, these intervening months have had a toll on us. Organisationally, yes. But also for myself, my editors, and a number of our writers – people doing our best this year to hold the dorky school paper together with our bare hands – it has been personally frustrating and hurtful. Of course, 2020 has been nothing if not a year in continual perspective readjustment. The LSS is not making these decisions or administering the online spaces in bad faith. No, I am not as understanding as I would like. Yes, I have occasionally struggled to read disagreements charitably. But even if for no other reason than simple Bayesian priors, it strikes me as unlikely that the volunteer administrators of a student society secretly harbour autocratic proclivities. However, in many respects this is precisely the problem. It is easy to call out bad actors when they are obviously abusing power. It is much harder to fix systems of good people, trying to do good, but being driven by bad incentives and bad rules. In future years, the problem will not the formation of an authoritarian MLS politburo. It will be a Comms Director feeling that they have to delete that Facebook thread that got just a little too heated. It will be an overly cautious Education Director realising that a bunch of those weekly memes in the student tutorials group technically constitute copyright infringement and deciding ‘just to be on the safe side.’ It will be somebody just a little too eager to launch a complaint, and somebody else just a little too willing to decide that that precise wording of that line of text or political opinion actually does constitute speculative or insulting content. It will be the frustration and anger of a student receiving a curt and clinical response to the effect of ‘at our discretion we have determined your conduct was in breach of the policy and this decision is final.’ It will be the resentment of paternalism, the attenuation of our digital culture, and the anaemia of its spirit. Well, it’s about time to wrap up with a populist sign-off and call to action. The typical response, if history is anything to go by, will be a fair amount of histrionics in the comments section. Somebody will start throwing around terms like ‘oppressive’ and ‘unaccountable’. Somebody will call out another DM attack on our hardworking peers. One or two people will try to say something wholesome, and somebody will post that stupid ‘LSS RISE UP’ copypasta. But just this once, let’s make a deal. Before you scroll down to join the fray, write an email to the committee. I’m completely serious, everybody loves getting mail, and they are always asking for feedback. If you disagree with the new policy, say as much. If you are planning on voting next week, contact the various candidates and tell them your thoughts. Send another email to whoever gets elected and tell them you want the 2021 committee to reopen the issue. If you promise to do all of that, you have my blessing. Say whatever the hell you want in the comments section. Really. Be inventive. Go fucking wild. I mean, we’ll probably still have to delete a third of it, but at least this time you will have earned it. Michael Franz is a third year JD student, and the Editor-in-Chief of in De Minimis. Editor’s Note: In the interest of disclosure, De Minimis Managing Editor Max Ferguson is running for election to the 2021 LSS committee. Max has been recused from his role for all articles and discussions regarding the LSS for the duration of elections, and has had no input into the research, editing or discussion of this article. De Minimis wishes best luck to all candidates during the election. Copies of the current and newly introduced policy have been provided by the LSS for the purposes of this article and are attached below. Please note that the final circulated version of the policy may have minor formatting or editing differences.
Response from MULSS Leadership Team and Communications Directors
We feel the inevitable unease in moderating our peers, but the realities of running a large social media platform means that this responsibility ultimately falls to us. We take our responsibility in administering our social media very seriously because we recognise that the spaces are utilised by a diverse cross-section of the JD community. The proper administration of our social media is necessary to ensure that all members of that community feel safe and welcome in these spaces. This requires a balance and weighing of factors such as student wellbeing and the benefit provided by the creativity of the JD community. The Policy applies to all of LSS social media, including crucially the Melbourne JD Year-Level Facebook groups. It is in the best interests of students to have the LSS support them if they feel that something on our social media is unacceptable. Our social media will never be a place where offensive, insulting, humiliating or intimidating interactions are tolerated. We believe the new Policy is a significant improvement on the previous one, which was vague and had proven exceedingly hard to administer with certainty. However, this is an evolving document that is open to further amendment. We expect that changes may be required as we gain practical experience in its implementation. We encourage people to read the Policy and write to us with their feedback, as well as if they are ever concerned with content published to our social media. Please email [email protected] or utilise the anonymous feedback form at if you prefer. Finally, we would like to thank the many users of our social media that have kept the JD community alive at such a rough time.
15/9/2020 07:07:05 pm
Anyone else notice a deletion of a the DM competition post last week?!?!?
15/9/2020 07:18:14 pm
Very true. Assuming the rationale is that it was encroaching on Baker's IP? Would love clarification. Seemed like obvious satire - wouldn't this fall within the fair dealing defence?
15/9/2020 07:23:36 pm
Pretty squarely under fair dealing methinks, maybe satire of firms isn't allowed on LSS media via sponsorship agreements??
15/9/2020 07:10:36 pm
Was there any consultation with the wider student body before the policy was amended?
Why listen to the cohort when you know what's best for them?
15/9/2020 07:14:26 pm
Doesn't look like it, they ask for feedback now after they've passed it. Very democratic!
15/9/2020 09:50:19 pm
Yes, it is called the election held last year. Do you remember voting?
Lol ok
15/9/2020 09:58:59 pm
How can we give constructive feedback on a process that has been closed to us? No one was informed that the policy was going to be amended. You're really going to play the " the LSS welcomes feedback" card?
Does DEMIN accept feedbacks?
15/9/2020 10:02:43 pm
You are making the same tired argument.... I want to complain about everything the LSS does and I am not the LSS director...
@lss is elected
15/9/2020 10:09:16 pm
Are you like a false flag meant to make the LSS look bad through sheer stupidity? Because I can't tell is this is satire or not rn
15/9/2020 10:17:48 pm
This is so laughable and I'd think it was satire if it wasn't for the fact I think I know who wrote this... Xi Jinping say what
Things that sound good aren't always that good
15/9/2020 07:12:48 pm
Article raises valid points. No one wants anything "offensive, insulting, humiliating, or intimidating" but what do they even mean? And who is interpreting them? Seems like a weird thing for our peers to moderate and censor other peers in such a way
18/9/2020 10:39:22 pm
Ever heard of Monis v The Queen hahahah
15/9/2020 07:29:43 pm
They targeted the LSS.
Don't let this die
15/9/2020 08:43:16 pm
I truly hope this copypasta lives on for many many years. Keep memeing anon, keep memeing.
Sick and tired
15/9/2020 09:32:12 pm
Yaaaawwn. If you can be bothered typing that out every time, can you be bothered actually giving something back to the MLS community other than venom? Losers
15/9/2020 10:58:08 pm
It's called a copypasta for a reason
DM is bae
15/9/2020 07:30:01 pm
Another DM attack on our hardworking peers! LSS 'oppressive' and 'unaccountable'!
15/9/2020 07:32:44 pm
So basically the LSS has a monopoly over MLS student online interaction with MLS social media (JD year-level pages) and uses its gatekeeper powers to decide, at the discretion of the almighty Comms director, which posts to allow and which to delete.
15/9/2020 07:43:48 pm
That’s exactly it.
Ultimate Discretion
15/9/2020 07:37:57 pm
Anyone else really uncomfortable with how broad that discretion is? It looks like every other provision ends with “at director’s discretion”. Will the LSS just start deleting anything that criticises them because they can call it “offensive”? Hope this thing gets removed and reworked by the next committee, this is just plain censorship.
Kent Brockman
15/9/2020 07:38:01 pm
I, for one, welcome our new corporate overlords.
Hank Scorpio
15/9/2020 11:21:37 pm
I've said it before and I'll say it again. Democracy does not work
Are u srs LSS
15/9/2020 07:39:48 pm
Core issue was “whether our posts constituted excessive use on the basis of how much visual space they took up on the JD feeds compared to other users (what would be considered spamming under the new policy)”
15/9/2020 07:43:24 pm
De Min literally posts once a week in a targeted cluster. How is that spam lol 15/9/2020 07:40:54 pm
I wonder I wonder, have we become a society of softcocks? I wonder I wonder
Read Letter Day
15/9/2020 07:42:38 pm
On a serious note, the EiC's request for people to write in emails is exactly the sort of thing that we need to do. Its super easy to just rant in the comments, but I agree that this is a situation where we actually need to express communal disapproval.
No Goodnik
15/9/2020 07:44:17 pm
He's out in two weeks! I reckon light up the incoming directors!
The “she” comms directors are out in two weeks
15/9/2020 07:47:06 pm
Nah hit them now as well, let the old and new know what a terrible idea this was
Lss and anonymity
15/9/2020 08:05:35 pm
Can we email the LSS anonymously? Having to publicly out yourself as a detractor to your peers is kind of tough. It's probably the reason why most criticism occurs on DM, and the LSS doesn't realise their perception. Who's really got the balls of steel to tell their peers when they're wrong to their face?
15/9/2020 08:22:23 pm
There’s an anon feedback form on the website
Reality Check
15/9/2020 07:52:30 pm
Ummm, guys, what did you expect the policy to say? That whether there was a breach was at the user's discretion? The Dean's? Who would be making that decision if not the Directors? I think the old policy was pretty weak, it's good to see that the LSS is standing up to defend people's right to be included online without being harassed.
Check yourself
15/9/2020 08:01:56 pm
Is harassment really anything "offensive, insulting, humiliating or intimidating" though? The policy does not need to have that much power (at a director's discretion) to be effective.
15/9/2020 08:01:35 pm
I came here for drama and am disappointed. Where are the loyal LSS defenders at?
Rats Fleeing a Sinking Ship
15/9/2020 08:02:54 pm
Maybe they know a lost cause when they see one
15/9/2020 08:06:11 pm
Maybe LSS committee members have been told not to comment. Crisis PR management etc etc
No, actually
15/9/2020 08:44:49 pm
Enjoy yourselves though, given you have nothing else to do.
Spit that vitriol
15/9/2020 08:55:12 pm
Oooooooh you're so angry
A unified comments section is a good thing?
15/9/2020 08:03:50 pm
Maybe not even the loyal LSS army can pretend like this is necessary or anything but a strange increase in power?
Good writing for once
15/9/2020 08:06:11 pm
I think it's because for once this piece is actually fair and balanced. People tend to have an issue with the normal bad faith attacks DM puts out. When you write reasonably for once, people tend to be a lot more reasonable.
Citation Needed
15/9/2020 08:07:21 pm
"Bad faith attacks"
15/9/2020 08:40:59 pm
Got one
LSS moderation???
15/9/2020 08:09:27 pm
Wait, did I read that correctly? That the LSS has been threatening DM based on what gets written on the comments section on an entirely different website? How the hell is that justifiable?
15/9/2020 08:17:40 pm
Sounds like it, and it's probably true if the DM chief editor has felt the need to write this. Sad!
It's a committee
15/9/2020 08:21:03 pm
Imagine a committee. Further, imagine how easily the average person in 2020 gets insulted by things. Now imagine a committee in 2020 catering to this person's whims and fancies so as to appear sensitive, balanced, courageous; a protector of the downtrodden. Therein lies your answer. Spontaneity, irony, sarcasm, dry humour amongst other, more organic human manifestations, are sacrificed at the altar of such a lofty vision.
GAMERS rise up
15/9/2020 08:26:52 pm
Good thing the election is coming up and we can see some new blood eh?
Keen voter
15/9/2020 08:46:33 pm
Hi Max
Max Ferguson
15/9/2020 08:49:46 pm
Hi 15/9/2020 08:28:42 pm
This hits the nail on the head:
DM big baby
15/9/2020 08:33:15 pm
DM: *posts transphobic nonsense*
Genuine question
15/9/2020 08:36:15 pm
What was the alleged transphobic content?
Bit of a simplification
15/9/2020 08:36:49 pm
Even if the content was objectionable, the LSS haven't just gone "hey could you not do that pls". They've drafted a new policy which gives them the power to delete nearly anything they deem offensive on a whim. Your comment just shifts the goalposts without addressing the actual issue at hand.
15/9/2020 08:43:30 pm
I actually think DM have been fucking professional about this. Hearing a bit about what's been going on this entire year - they haven't launched a bunch of smears, they've kept their mouths shut kept taking it, until the issue concerned the entire student body. That's pretty solid in my book.
links or it didnt happen
15/9/2020 09:13:54 pm
oi oi, where's this transphobic nonsense?
When in doubt
15/9/2020 09:31:36 pm
pull out the unsubstantiated trans card.
LSS saviour complex
15/9/2020 09:16:08 pm
Why do the LSS think we need saving from ourselves? Do they really think so poorly of their peers that they need to exercise this kind of power? Kinda weird ngl
Absolute power corrupts absolutely
15/9/2020 09:24:01 pm
'In mid-May, De Minimis was contacted by the LSS following a confidential complaint against us ... the core issue emerging was whether our posts constituted excessive use on the basis of how much visual space they took up on the JD feeds compared to other users'
"Speculative Content"
15/9/2020 09:37:54 pm
As far as I know, DM wasn't even allowed to see the content of said "complaint".
15/9/2020 09:45:23 pm
as usual i am subjected to another anti-lss screed as i attempt to enjoy my Tuesday night.
15/9/2020 09:51:07 pm
Guess what, Parliament has just voted to outlaw freedom of speech. The media aren't allowed to criticise this move, because there will still be elections.
15/9/2020 09:53:08 pm
There is literally an election campaign at LSS right now. If you want change ask your favourite LSS candidate and vote for them....
Interesting logic?
15/9/2020 09:51:48 pm
If I understand you correctly, because the LSS are an elected body, people are not supposed to criticise the policies that they enact? Interesting point of view.
15/9/2020 09:54:43 pm
You are essentially saying that you want to have your cake and eat it too. LSS directors are elected. After the election it is up to them to represent us.
Did you even take PPL?
15/9/2020 10:00:44 pm
How is genuine criticism of a policy in anyway a negative thing? If the criticism is well founded, and taken on board by the LSS, how is that a bad thing?
15/9/2020 10:04:36 pm
NO CRITICISM. NO UNDERMINING....Dictatorship who dis
15/9/2020 10:06:44 pm
There is no such thing as genuine criticism if it is made to undermine the leadership and cohesion of the student body or to cause mischief amongst the students.
15/9/2020 10:11:06 pm
Hahahaha I think I'm sure that this is bait at this point. Bravo stranger!
Definitely bait
15/9/2020 10:55:55 pm
If someone genuinely holds this opinion, my mind is boggled. 16/9/2020 09:06:34 pm
Fantastic piece of writing, don't forget to make your bed and tidy your room.
LSS Social Media Policy
17/9/2020 12:12:38 am
No 'insulting' behaviour allowed, as per the SMP. Please hand in your LSS membership and resign from the JD immediately. Love, your LSS xx Comments are closed.
October 2022