Volume 19, Issue 11 The LSS Special General Meeting (SGM) was on the 5th of May. De Minimis has written this short account of what went down, if you couldn’t make it on the night. A number of proposals were voted on. A copy of all proposed changes will be appended to the end of this article. The meeting barely maintained quorum throughout, at one point having to be briefly paused when a poor internet connection saw attendance drop below the minimum-required thirty Members present. The motion to change membership requirements passed easily, despite it coming out that the Masters Last Students’ Association had not been consulted about the change. However, the proposal to merge the Environments portfolio with Equity and Social Justice (ESJ) failed to get up. It was obvious that the Leadership Team (LT) had thought carefully about the change, but it still faced significant questions regarding the effects it would have on service delivery, including from a current ESJ Director. Of course, the proposed transparency clause was always going to be the biggest battle of the evening. The proposer’s initial pitch stressed cognizance of the need to balance the transparency interests of members with the Committee’s need for operational flexibility. They also reminded the meeting that every LT member who ran in the 2021 elections had promised voters greater transparency.
Despite that pointed reminder, in a meeting dominated by Committee and former Committee members, the proposal seemed likely doomed from the outset. After all, corporate boards are not known for voting for more oversight of their activities. The ‘culture of transparency’ espoused by the proposer has been promised by Committee candidates for years, and yet has never materialised. Nevertheless, the proposal received a vital lifeline from the Secretary, who said in response to a question that she was happy with the sections that pertained to her role. Indeed, she had a hand in drafting the proposal, which did not go far beyond placing an onus on the Committee to proactively pursue their existing passive obligations. Other speakers were far less generous. Indeed, the 2020 President seemed to impugn the proposer personally, when he called their attitude ‘telling’.* The current Treasurer voiced his own concerns, particularly on providing members with unaudited financial information. When it was pointed out to the Treasurer that he is already required to provide such information to Members under the current Constitution, he persisted in suggesting that he wouldn’t be comfortable doing so. He also noted that he intended to do a ‘final tally’ of the books prior to the AGM and, concerningly, suggested that the financial records of the Association might not be accurate until that time. After a long exchange explaining the existing duties of the LSS Committee, as well as fielding confused interjections from other Directors, the proposer conceded that they would not be able to change the doubtful minds, and the matter was called to a vote. It failed with only six votes in favour. De Minimis has requested the financial records of the LSS, at the Treasurer’s earliest convenience. *In the interests of full disclosure, in September last year, I personally accused the former President of being involved in a cover-up regarding non-compliance with the Associations Incorporation Reform Act 2012. I do not believe this has affected my reporting on this issue. Max Ferguson is a Third-Year JD Student. Note: in response to a request, we have referred to all parties by title, rather than by name. The opportunity to provide comment on this article was extended to all parties involved.
Mr Sn....rub (yes, that’ll do)
21/5/2021 11:11:52 am
Lol fairly sure I was the one that dropped out because mum called me about dinner and I accidentally disconnected. Wog mums amirite?
Hear Hear
21/5/2021 11:19:48 am
Well said Max. It is about time those on the executive team understand that their life will peak in positions of false power on the LSS. For them, it looks like it is all downhill from here.
21/5/2021 02:01:05 pm
...the chip on your shoulder is showing xx
LinkedIn Peacock
21/5/2021 11:53:20 am
Seeing as the current treasurer, according to his LinkedIn at the time of writing, took four months to complete a ‘Virtual Internship’ at KWM, I don’t expect that you’ll receive LSS financials any time soon
21/5/2021 12:40:27 pm
With all due disrespect, this is a gross comment. It feeds into a pervasive narrative of ableism and is above and beyond elitist. Even if disability is not the relevant circumstance here this is still an ableist attitude. How long people take to do things and WHY is none of your business and is NOT something for someone to be judged on. Shame on you. Learn from this.
21/5/2021 12:51:03 pm
100% agreed. It’s such a weird, mean, and unnecessary attack on the MLS Treasurer (who is also like, the nicest guy in the entire law school). The commenter’s point is what, he took a long time to do a self-paced online internship? Based on stalking his LinkedIn? Who cares?
21/5/2021 01:57:21 pm
This is straight up bullying. DM should remove this comment.
Max Ferguson
21/5/2021 02:04:10 pm
Per the De Minimis comment policy, the removal of a comment which identifies an individual is the sole discretion of that person.
That's a stupid policy
21/5/2021 02:43:18 pm
Ok so according to that policy if I wanted to bully someone in a De Min comment all I have to do is name them, and then not only will De Min NOT remove the comment, they'll actually contact the person and go "Hey here's what someone said about you do you want us to remove it".
names and games
22/5/2021 08:48:08 pm
all in the name of encouraging, and having regard to, uNfEtt3red pUbl!c deb@t3.
21/5/2021 02:55:52 pm
21/5/2021 03:28:56 pm
Seems to be a consistent theme of Lss executive committees over the years being utterly useless at anything other than schmoozing and being the type of person you cross the road to avoid.
Read the room
21/5/2021 04:23:14 pm
Jeez, the first comment was bad enough, and then you come along and double down?
21/5/2021 05:05:40 pm
how much of a pathetic bully do you have to be to sift through someone's linkedin and pull this garbage comment out of your rear end? yes, it's ableist.
Deranged Conspiracy Theory
21/5/2021 05:14:53 pm
Seek help.
LSS President Asprirant
21/5/2021 11:58:53 am
in my dreams
21/5/2021 12:03:52 pm
Love it
De Minimis
21/5/2021 12:00:38 pm
Special General Resolution, as provided to members:
whether de min has standing
21/5/2021 12:01:35 pm
I raise point of order
Zero self awareness huh
21/5/2021 12:01:44 pm
"In the interests of full disclosure, in September last year, I personally accused the former President of being involved in a cover-up regarding non-compliance with the Associations Incorporation Reform Act 2012. I do not believe this has affected my reporting on this issue."
21/5/2021 12:06:21 pm
They targeted the LSS.
Mad dog Murdoch
21/5/2021 03:27:15 pm
Max didn't write any 'unsubstantiated hit pieces' and recused himself from all LSS matters while the election was ongoing. But keep it up with the anonymous 'unsubstantiated hit pieces' in the comments section sweetie
Pavey and Matthew and Paul and Mann and Paterson
21/5/2021 03:40:14 pm
Yes, I understand everything you just said, but I am still confused as to whether there is a unifying theory of unjust enrichment in this country?
Hypo Draft 1
21/5/2021 04:53:22 pm
That’s actually criminal trespass, which is unconstitutional.
21/5/2021 05:18:38 pm
Oh cool so we're just pretending that De Min didn't publish an anonymous article directly criticising the MULSS Women's directors a couple of weeks before Max ran against one of the Women's directors for president.
22/5/2021 01:45:47 pm
That article doesn't even criticise the women's directors though - perhaps you should check your comprehension.
21/5/2021 07:47:11 pm
stream Sour by Olivia Rodrigo
21/5/2021 07:49:39 pm
Bump Comments are closed.
October 2022